Sunday, June 10, 2012

15 mins Breakfast!

1. Peel garlics

2. Mince the garlics

3.  Saute garlics until golden brown

4. Place garlic in bowl set aside

5. Cut small-medium potatoes in halves, add into hot pot of boiling water. 
While potatoes are boiling, make scramble eggs
 In large bowl, scramble 2 eggs, dice fresh tomatoes, slice avocado
and spinach season with garlic salt and black pepper mix well.

6. In frying pan add 1 Tbsp olive oil in medium heat skillet.
Pour in scramble egg mixture and add 2 sliced cheese.

7. Cook for 3 minutes, fold omelette over. Simmer for 1-3 minutes and remove from frying pan

8. Prepare mixing blender for protein shake. Prepare fresh strawberries and culture milk

9. Cultured milk (Whole Foods Martket). Add in half of bottle of milk into the blender with the strawberries

10. Add in 2 tbsp whole flax seeds (golden or brown) to shake mixture

11. Fry small potatoes in a medium-large skillet frying pan until brown then gradually add sauteed minced garlics in with potatoes. Stir for another 1-2 minutes then remove from pan

12. Breakfast is served. Enjoy! :)

Budget friendly healthy dinner

1) Stir-fried filet salmon

2) Hemp seeds (Whole Foods Market) are the most concentrated and good source of fiber. Can be added to any food and shakes

3) Stir over medium-heat frying pan. Mushrooms, zucchini, green beans and hemp seeds

4) Stir in snow peas and asparagus to the stir fried mix

5) Add a pinch of Kosher salt

6) Turn off heat and add basil to the mixture

7) Squeeze a lemon wedge for taste

8) In a medium-large frying pan, add 1 tbsp of butter. Add 4-5 slices of japanese yam onto medium-heat frying pan. Add thin slices of swiss cheese on top of yams. Sprinkle a dash of garlic salt allover yams.

9) Cook until cheese melt and yams turn slightly brown

10) Voila ~ Corn serve as garnishment (optional)

Lamb Chop LOVE

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


(1) 大根、ニンジンはは皮をむき、食べやすい大きさの短冊に切る。ゴボウはたわしできれいに水洗いし、斜め切りにし水に放ってアクを抜く。細ネギは根元を切り落とし、2cmの長さに切る。

(2) イワシはウロコ、頭、ワタを取り、塩水できれいに洗い、手開きにする。

(3) 土ショウガは皮をむき、すりおろす。

(4) 鍋にだし汁、<調味料>、大根、ニンジン、水切りしたゴボウを入れて強火にかけ、煮立てばアクを取り中火にする。  大根が透き通ってくれば、1のイワシのすり身をスプーンで一口大づつすくって落とす。

(5) つみれが浮いてくれば細ネギを加え、しょうゆで味を整える。


<調味料/酒大さじ4 みりん大さじ1 塩小さじ1> しょうゆ小さじ1/2~1 粉山椒適量

超ヘルシーどんぶり (Healthy Rice Bowl-DONBURI)


In olive oil, fry finely cut garlic, onion, carrots, spinach, cherry tomatoes, bell peppers (cut to bit-sized pieces), and paprika

Add tofu and fry, add black pepper. Cook brown rice and ten grain rice together, and top this cooked rice with the items in the frying pan.

木綿豆腐 1丁
タマネギ  1/2個
ほうれん草 1/2束
ミニトマト  1/2 パック
パプリカ 1/2個
ピーマン 1/2個
にんにく 1かけ
塩コショウ 少々
オリーブオイル 少々

1    Tofu
1/2  Onion
1/2  Spinach
1/2 pack of Cherry Tomato
1/2  Paprika
1/2  Bell Pepper
1 clove Garlic
Ground Black Pepper
Olive Oil

Thursday, November 25, 2010

野菜スプリングロール (Vegetable Spring Roll)


Finely cut ginger and fry in a pan with oil until its fragrance is released

                                                               At this point put in the tofu.


                                                     Lightly broil carrots and broccoli into the pan.


Add a soy sauce, oyster sauce, salt, and sugar and stir.


Moisten rice paper, and when it becomes soft, place the fried item.


Roll the rice paper.


You are done!
You can even eat this without additional sauce!